Forty-eight councillors have been elected byresidents to serve on Tendring District Council (TDC) for four years.
Voters took to the polls yesterday (Thursday, 4May) to elect 48 members to represent the 32 wards on TDC.
In total the Conservatives won 19 seats, Labour8, Liberal Democrats 4, Tendring First 1, while a total of 16 independentcandidates were elected.
The full election results can be found on theTDC website at:
Turnout across the district was 29.5%.
TDC’s Annual Meeting will be held on 23 May,when the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Leader are elected by the council andcommittee membership agreed.
Ian Davidson, Returning Officer for theelections and TDC Chief Executive, thanked everyone for a smooth election.
“I would like to thank all of our hard-workingstaff who made the election process possible, including those who were countingvotes into the small hours and again the following day,” Mr Davidson said.
“My thanks also go to all of the candidates andagents, and I look forward to meeting the newly-elected and returning councillorsand working with them over the next four years.”
Votes for town and parish councils which heldelections yesterday are being counted this afternoon (Friday, 5 May).