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Council proud to support Baby Loss Awareness Week


Tendring District Council (TDC) is again showing its support for Baby Loss Awareness Week.

Running from 9 to 15 October, the week – now in its 21st year – aims to unite those affected by baby loss.

For the fifth year, the council is proud to host a ribbon display along the Clacton seafront Memorial Gardens, organised by local resident Maria Gormley, a volunteer for the UK’s leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity Sands.

Ribbons, crocheted items and teddy bears are affixed to the fence in a display which gives bereaved people an opportunity to remember young loved ones they have lost, and raise awareness of the issue.

In addition, more than 50 businesses have sponsored a teddy and hundreds of pounds have been donated to the local fundraising for Sands.

Gary Scott, TDC Chairman, said this was an issue close to many people’s hearts.

“One of the poignant but beautiful things about the display is just how many ribbons there are,” Councillor Scott said.

“While to those who suffer the loss of a baby it can feel like it has only happened to them, the sad reality is there are so many families who experience this heartbreak.

“What we hope the ribbon display does is show people they are not alone; and that we as a community are here to support them through difficult times.”

Councillor Scott also encouraged people to re-watch an interview with former TDC Chairman Councillor Jeff Bray, who a few years ago shared his personal story for Baby Loss Awareness Week. The video is available to watch on the council’s YouTube channel at

Clacton Town Hall will also be lit up in blue and pink throughout Baby Loss Awareness Week.

Maria Gormley said: “We’re proud to bring the Baby Loss Awareness Week remembrance ribbon display back to Clacton for a fifth year.

“As always, it provides a wonderful chance for bereaved people to remember the little ones they’ve lost far too soon – and prompt discussion of an important topic that often isn’t talked about enough.

“Raising awareness of charities like Sands, which work so hard to support those affected by baby and pregnancy loss, is so important for ensuring those that need help can find out about resources available.”

This month Maria and TDC are also planting a baby loss memorial tree in the gardens, to create a permanent place for people to sit and reflect upon their loss.

For more information about the display or to donate, visit, and for sponsorship information, email Maria at

For more information about Baby Loss Awareness Week or the bereavement support available go to or

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