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Council objects to Norwich to Tilbury pylon plans


Tendring District Council (TDC) has objected “in the strongest possible terms” to plans for a new line of pylons between Norfolk and south Essex.

National Grid recently held a second non-statutory consultation into its proposals for a new power line connection between Norwich and Tilbury to link up electricity infrastructure – including connections in Tendring to proposed offshore wind farm developments.

In its written response to the consultation, TDC said a “significant number of residents… have… express[ed] their significant concerns regarding the impacts on the local communities, the landscape and the wider environment”.

While recognising the need for the transition to cleaner and more efficient energy generation and transition in the UK as part of the country’s net zero emissions target, TDC has joined others in a preference for an offshore approach.

In its response the council also recognised and welcomed changes made by National Grid between the first and second non-statutory consultations – such as increased underground cabling in more sensitive areas – but said the changes did not go far enough. It also questioned whether the environmental impacts of underground cabling in such areas had been properly considered.

Andy Baker, TDC Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, said the council’s robust response reflected its own concerns and those of its residents.

“We understand the electricity transmission infrastructure in this country needs a considerable overhaul to meet the UK’s changing needs and to tackle climate change – and indeed see a role for our district in supporting jobs in construction, maintenance and servicing of turbines, potentially in Harwich,” Cllr Baker said.

“However, we do not believe this on-shore pylon proposal, using old technology and impacting on communities across East Anglia, is the best way to achieve this.

“That is why we have objected in the strongest possible terms to this latest proposal, and we will continue to fight for our district as these plans progress.”

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