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Consultation to begin on Elmstead Market Neighbourhood Plan


Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Cabinet agreed today (Friday, 21 July) that the draft Elmstead Neighbourhood Plan go out to consultation.

Elmstead Market Parish Council has been working to develop the Neighbourhood Plan, a document containing specific policies and proposals for the Elmstead Market area against which planning applications will be judged; alongside district and national policies.

Results from the six-week public consultation will be submitted along with the draft Neighbourhood Plan to an independent Planning Inspector for review, before a local referendum. After that point, the plan can be formally adopted by TDC.

The Parish Council is also submitting a Neighbourhood Development Order, which will have the power to grant planning permission for a specific development - in this case, outline planning permission to demolish the village hall and replace it with up to nine apartments.

Parish and town councils can prepare their own neighbourhood plans to help local people directly shape where they live and work – allowing them to identify their vision for how their area should develop for the future.

Councillor Andy Baker, TDC Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, said he welcomed progression to this important stage of the process for Elmstead Market.

“Having a neighbourhood plan gives communities a much greater say in the future development of their area,” Councillor Baker said.

“They provide an additional level of planning policy guidance alongside the district’s Local Plan to ensure new development reflects local priorities and to give additional protection to features of local importance.

“A lot of work goes into preparing a neighbourhood plan, and I would encourage people in Elmstead Market to read and comment on the proposals once the consultation gets underway later this year.”

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