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Consultation on new measures to tackle irresponsible dog owners in Tendring


A consultation is being held on a planned new measure to tackle irresponsible dog owners in Tendring.

An area-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is being proposed by Tendring District Council (TDC), targeting dog fouling and nuisance dogs off leads.

If it goes ahead, the PSPO would allow authorised council officers to request a dog is put on a lead; and issue fines to owners who do not comply.

It also allows officers to issue increased on the spot fines – of £100 – to those who do not pick up their pet’s mess.

The PSPO would cover all public land – including TDC and town and parish council land – in the Tendring district.

Mike Bush, TDC Cabinet Member for the Environment, said the new PSPO would strengthen the hand of the council in dealing with irresponsible dog owners.

“We know the vast majority of dog owners care about their community and clean up after their dog – or ensure it is on a lead in public areas if it cannot be controlled by command,” Councillor Bush said.

“However, there is a small minority of mindless dog owners who do not, and this PSPO would be another tool in the box for us to deal with them.

“While dog fouling is covered by other legislation this PSPO allows us to broaden the areas covered, and also strengthening our existing by-laws about dogs on leads.

“We are looking to introduce this after residents asked us to take a tougher stance, and I hope they will appreciate the steps we are taking to act upon their concerns.”

The 12-week consultation is now live, and people can take part by visiting Paper copies of the consultation form are also available in Clacton Town Hall for people to complete.

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