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Consultation begins on Jaywick Sands Place Plan


Members of the public are invited to have their say on an ambitious blueprint for growth in Jaywick Sands.

A consultation begins today (Monday, 20 November) on Tendring District Council’s (TDC) draft Jaywick Sands Place Plan.

The Place Plan is a long-term strategy for Jaywick Sands which includes a mixture of suggested ‘quick win’ actions to improve the area, as well as a wider vision spanning 20 years.

This is the final version of the document. The initial version was consulted on in Autumn 2022; comments from which have been fed into this final draft now being consulted upon.

People can have their say by completing an online survey available at, or by attending one of several drop-in sessions being held in the community.

These exhibition events are taking place on:

  • Saturday, 25 November, 12-3pm – Community Resource Centre, Brooklands
  • Wednesday, 29 November, 11am-1.30pm – Sunspot, Lotus Way
  • Friday, 1 December, 1-2.30pm – Inclusion Ventures, Broadway
  • Saturday, 2 December, 12.30-2.30pm – Golf Green Hall, Golf Green Road
  • Wednesday, 6 December, 11am-1.30pm – Sunspot, Lotus Way
  • Thursday, 7 December, 10am-12pm – St Christopher’s Church, Meadow Way

Andy Baker, TDC Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, said the views of the community were really important to shape the final version of the plan before it became council strategy.

“Residents’ views were so helpful in shaping this version, from our initial draft consultation held last year, and our overall approach to what we do in Jaywick Sands is to work with and for the community,” Councillor Baker said.

“This is an ambitious plan to protect and improve Jaywick Sands, making the most of its huge potential.

“So please make your voice heard during this consultation.”

The consultation closes at 5pm on Monday, 8 January, 2024, after which the responses will be considered before the Place Plan is adopted by TDC.

Suggested actions included in the draft Place Plan are some ‘quick wins’, such as making Brooklands one-way to traffic, improvements to parks and gardens, better beach access, and improved footpaths bus stops and alleys.

Longer-term strategic aims include securing funding for improved flood defences which both protect the community without blocking access and sight of the beach – one of Jaywick Sands biggest assets.

The cost of completing all of the actions is estimated at £120million, over two-decades, and the plan sets out where this will require external funding. Of this total, £84million (70%) is the estimated price tag of the preferred flood defence option.

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