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Commercial beach hut leases represent exciting opportunity


New commercial leases allowing owners to rent out their beach huts will be an exciting change on the Essex Sunshine Coast – hopefully giving more people the chance to use beach huts.

Tendring District Council (TDC) recently adopted a new Beach Hut Strategy, setting out the revised approach.

Among the changes is the introduction of a new commercial lease for owners wanting to rent out their beach huts; and permission for those on a personal agreement to rent out huts for up to ten days each year.

Alex Porter, TDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, said this was part of a raft of measures designed to boost opportunities on the district’s seafronts.

“The change to allow applications for a commercial lease presents an exciting new business opportunity,” Cllr Porter said.

“Particularly for Tendring residents, who pay half the fees of non-residents, this could be an opportunity to start a new business and help to support our tourist economy.

“While the full business case and more detailed work is being drawn up, current and future beach hut owners are being urged to think about how they could grab the opportunities presented.

“Combined with our recent call-out for other business ventures along seafronts, we are hoping to see a boom of local entrepreneurs along the Essex Sunshine Coast.”

A report to TDC’s Cabinet last month set out draft heads of terms for the commercial lease, including an indication they would cost double that of a personal-use lease. Those wishing to have a commercial lease will need to apply to the council.

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