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Check you are registered to vote in May elections


With six weeks to go until polling day, Tendring residents are being urged to check if they are registered to vote.

Elections take place on Thursday, 4 May, for Tendring District Council, as well as town and parish councils in the area.

To vote in the elections people need to be on the electoral register. While the deadline for voter registration for the upcoming elections is Monday, 17 April, residents are urged to act now.

You can register to vote at or call the TDC Electoral Services team on 01255 686575.

Voters are also being reminded that they will require photo ID to cast their ballot in a polling station this year. In Tendring voters are being asked to join Find It FrIDay on 21 April, to ensure they have their ID handy.

Anyone without an accepted form of photo ID in the name on their Poll Card can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate – find out more at

Ian Davidson, the Returning Officer, said registering to vote was a vital step in the process.

“If you want to apply for a postal or proxy vote, or a Voter Authority Certificate, you must first be registered to vote,” Mr Davidson said.

“It takes just five minutes to register to vote, so don’t delay and do it now.

“If you are not registered then you can’t vote, it is as simple as that.”

If you live in Tendring and are aged over-18 you may well be eligible to vote in local elections, including those who live in a refuge or are in the Armed Forces. EU nationals are also eligible to both stand and vote in the forthcoming elections.

Mr Davidson added: “Nominations are also open now for people who want to stand as candidates in these elections. If you are considering doing so then I recommend reading the guidance on our website, which covers the strict rules about how campaigns are managed, which must be followed.”

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