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Beach hut strategy proposals agreed


Final proposals for a new Beach Hut Strategy at Tendring District Council (TDC) have been agreed by the Cabinet.

The new strategy follows a review of the existing document, adopted in 2013, and was subject to two consultations in 2022 – which led to more than 4,000 responses being received by the council.

Key changes include introducing commercial leases for those who wish to rent out their beach hut for more than ten days each year; limiting beach hut agreements to one per household (for new hut owners); standardising designs and adaptations; and moving from issuing licences to leases.

Today (Friday, 17 February) Cabinet agreed the final proposals, including responses to the consultation feedback.

Alex Porter, TDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, said the recommendations created new business opportunities and are better deal for local residents;

“We have listened to the feedback provided and feel these proposals represent a modernisation of beach hut agreements” Councillor Porter said.

“The new strategy will provide more security for hut owners, an exciting business opportunity for those who want to run a beach hut rental business and, help to invest in further improvements to our wonderful seafronts for the benefit of all.“

“I am very pleased my Cabinet colleagues have agreed the new beach hut strategy.”

Commercial leases will start this April with private secure leases replacing the current licence system from April 2024.

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