Levelling Up in Tendring

Tendring has received more than £60 million in Government funding around Levelling Up. Find more details about what we are doing with this funding below, or click on the project boxes to learn more about specific initiatives.

Current Consultations

Consultations for Carnarvon Terrace and Milton Road and Victoria Street, are now underway and can be viewed:

Tendring welcomes this significant financial investment in our towns, which will help the district make the most of opportunities from wider development, such as Freeport East, the Tendring Colchester Border Garden Community and more.


The Clacton Levelling Up Fund project will see £29.3million invested to create a new gateway into the town, providing new community facilities – including a library, learning centre, business units, homes and improved public space – all part of unlocking the wider long-term potential of Clacton and Tendring.


Our £9million Dovercourt Capital Regeneration Project will deliver several aspects of the Dovercourt Revisited masterplan, bringing skills provision to the heart of the town in a re-vamped library, new housing to replace two derelict sites in Victoria Street, and a welcoming street-scape from the station to Marine Parade and around Kingsway; developing further potential brought by Freeport East for the area.

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