Standards Committee Independent Persons

Post Number:
As and when required
Closing Date:
March 23, 2025
Interview Date:
Between April 2nd - 4th

The Independent Person’s role is to work with the Council’s Standards Committee and Monitoring Officer to help to ensure high standards of conduct in the Council and among selected Councillors within the District. One or all of the Independent Persons may be consulted at various stages of the complaints process in respect of any allegation that a Councillor has breached their Code of Conduct and on other Code of Conduct matters. The Independent Person’s role is set out in more detail in the Protocol.

Ready to make your move?
To apply for this role, please follow the link provided and fill out the form. We will receive a copy of the your application and place it for review.
Job application form
Internal job application form
Downloadable application form
Standards Committee Independent Persons
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