Tendring Council have successfully secured government funding for the delivery of improvements to Dovercourt Town Centre through the Capital Regeneration Project scheme.
At Victoria Street, the two vacant parcels of land will be transformed into new residential blocks providing affordable housing, including three terraced houses and an apartment block, together providing 11 new homes for Dovercourt. The development will support wider revitalization and development of eyesore sites, creating a welcoming street scene from the station and providing much needed affordable homes for local people. Designs are currently being developed to best respond to local historic setting and Dovercourt Conservation Area.
At Milton Road, the disused car park structure which is at the end of its life will be replaced with a new car park, opening up 24 parking spaces and 3 accessible parking bays, along with cycle parking, landscaping and lighting improvements, to support the town centre.
You are invited to the second public consultation for proposals relating to Victoria Street and Milton Road on 26 October 2024. Join council officers and our design team to see how designs have developed from the first consultation and how your views have been taken into consideration. We welcome your further ask questions, thoughts & ideas!
You can provide your views using the below methods:
Homes for Dovercourt Consultation Developed Designs Questionnaire
Paper copies will be available at Clacton Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1SE between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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