Harwich Beach in Harwich is a hidden gem on the Essex coast, offering visitors a peaceful retreat by the sea. This small, secluded beach is known for its tranquil atmosphere and scenic views of the North Sea, making it a perfect spot for a quiet escape from the hustle and bustle. The beach is popular with locals and those seeking a more intimate seaside experience. Close to the historic town of Harwich, Harwich Beach is a charming destination that combines natural beauty with coastal history.
To help plan your journey the postcode for Dovercourt beach is CO12 3DL.
The local train station (Harwich Town) is located a 5 minute walk from this award beach.
The nearest bus stop is located on Main Road. The post code for this is CO12 3LZ.
There are several taxi firms operating in the area should you need them.
The Nearest car park is located just off the award beach:
There is one disabled parking space available. Blue Badge holders may park for 3 hours free of charge providing clock is set to arrival time and badge is displayed with expiry date and wheelchair symbol facing outwards.
Access to Harwich beach for all users is located by the Harwich Town sailing club. This is adjacent to the town of Harwich. It is next to Angelgate road.
Access to this beach is by road via the A120. Follow the signs for the town centre and Navy yard. There is Mainline rail from London and Ipswich to Harwich. There is a bus service from Colchester, Clacton and Ipswich.
The promenade consists of a hard paved surface extending the length of the awards beach.
Vehicular access is only available onto the promenade between 6pm and 10am.
There is seating available sporadically along the promenade. There is also a sheltered seating section available by the low lighthouse.
On the promenade dogs must be kept on leads and under control.
The cycle route is on the path behind the promenade along the award beach.
There is a Sailing club located next to the award beach alongside the Harwich Haven Authority and the Harwich Lifeboat Museum.
Historical landmarks include the low lighthouse on the promenade and the Treadwheel Crane on the greensward behind.
The award beach section is located between the Low Lighthouse and the Harwich Haven Authority.
This award beach is a designated dog free zone area from May to September. This is clearly marked on the map which can be found on the Beach Information Board at the entrance to the beach. It is also signposted along the sea wall at the access points onto the beach.
The Nearest Public Toilets are located by The High Light House. This has disabled toilets onsite.
This is a 3-minute walk from the award beach.
There are many food and drink options located in the town which is a 3-minute walk from the beach.
There is a café located on the greensward near to the Low Light House.
Dogs are not allowed on the beach from May to September except for Guide Dogs.
The nearest General Hospital with an A&E unit is located at Clacton-On-Sea. The address is Clacton & District Hospital, Tower Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1LH.
For further information on public toilets, car parks, beach toy libraries and dog banned beach locations please download the Love Tendring app. This information can be found in the interactive map section.
To download, please use the following links:
For any other information please visit the link below: Seafronts (tendringdc.gov.uk)
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Contact Information
Address: Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1SE
Telephone: 01255 686702 or 01255 222022 (out of hours).
Website: https://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/